Stadium Profile

Starlight Stadium
Langford has undergone a huge transformation over the last 20 years, thanks in part to a visionary mayor from a multi generational local family (Stewart Young). The rejuvenation began with a simple premise: create recreational spaces, and the people will come. It worked. The West Shore community grows at an average of 3500 per year, and the fields and arenas are busy from dawn to dusk.
One of those amenities is Starlight Stadium. It too has undergone a major transformation in order to host a CPL club. The stadium will increase in capacity from 1500 to 6000 seats, with steep intimate seating and all the extra perks that are required for a professional set up. There are currently a variety of seating options available with Suites, Premium Centre seats to the new West End and the Beer Garden. The newly renovated stadium is one to behold, featuring an intimate atmosphere with options for everybody.